
好的赌博软件推荐 provides a number of academic accommodations for students with disabilities.

好的赌博软件推荐 provides academic accommodations for students with disabilities. 这些住宿可以在正常上课时间和考试期间使用, mid-term exams, and final exams. Your professor will receive a letter from DSS informing them of the accommodations you need.



这是你的责任 提供自己的录音设备. 如果您无法找到一个,请与DSS讨论选项.

你会被要求签名 与DSS的录音协议 确保课堂录音的使用合乎道德.

在一些课堂上, such as nursing classes where specific patients may be discussed (but not identified), 保密的需要可能取代这种便利. 当这种情况发生时, DSS will work with the professor to find another accommodation that gives you access to the material. 如果有任何赌博十大靠谱软件保密的问题, you and/or your professor can contact the Assistant Director for DSS to discuss the situation.


你可能需要印刷材料 在另一种格式,以便访问材料. 其他格式可能包括 enlarged print, Braille, or a readable-text digital copy.

你应该联系你的教授 在本季度的前两周,如果你需要这种住宿.

只要有可能,教授 是否应按要求的格式提供信息. 欢迎您和您的教授使用 SensusAccess 将材料翻译成适合你的可读格式. 您将需要使用您的SPU电子邮件地址与此软件. 


如果你有这种住宿, 你应该和你的教授谈谈,要求这种住宿.

只要有可能,你的教授 应该在每节课开始前给你课堂讲稿/提纲吗. If this is not available, then you should receive lecture notes/outline after class.

并不是所有的教授都使用课堂讲稿/提纲. 当这些都不可用时,您可以通过DSS请求不同的选项.

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对于测试住宿, 你的教授会告诉你他们是否愿意监考你, 或者在学术支持中心的测试空间进行测试.

DSS办公室的测试空间有限 必须提前一周预定,发邮件至dsstesting@eagle1027.com

如果你在DSS办公室参加考试, 个人物品不允许进入考场, 除非教授允许, 或根据发展支助处工作人员的其他许可.

你要自己带 蓝皮书或答题卡考试时需要.

考试期间允许使用的其他材料 必须由教授在考试住宿表上注明.

Because you may not have the opportunity to ask clarifying questions of the professor, you may write a brief explanation of how you understood a question so that the professor may have a better understanding of the answer given. The Testing Manager will make every effort to contact the professor during the test to get additional clarification for you.

你有责任让你的教授和DSS办公室知道 if you have been approved to take your test at the 学习中心 so that we can schedule a time and space for you.

预约考试场地, students must contact DSS at least one week ahead of time to ensure space and staff are available. 

一般来说,你的考试应该在正常上课时间进行, unless that is not possible due to the length of  accommodated time or class conflicts.

如果DSS办公室测试位置选项已满, 然后在征得教授同意的情况下进行安排 在另一个时间参加考试.


额外的时间并不意味着 unlimited time. For most students, extra time is usually 50% additional time to what was given in class.

Quiet location

你可能需要一个安静的地方 为了考试减少分心.


要在考试中使用阅读器, 你必须在考试前至少一周通知DSS办公室. Your reader will read only what is written on the exam, and not offer clarification.


为考试申请抄写员, 您必须至少提前一周通知DSS办公室. Scribes are to write accurately what you dictate and are not to offer clarification.


你可能需要使用电脑 在测试期间,由于物理限制. If you do not own a computer, the DSS office has computers available for testing purposes. 要求使用计算机考试, 学生必须至少提前一周通知DSS办公室.


如果你的文档说明 the need for an alternative testing format, you should discuss this with your professor.

讨论对备选格式的更改 should begin as soon as possible, but no later than the second week of the quarter. 这些讨论应该包括你,你的教授和DSS经理. 

请联络决策支援处 如果您想请求另一种格式,请尽快.

其他格式可能包括 oral, multiple choice, or essay exams that differ from the exam given to the rest of the class.

如果你的教授能证明 that the alternative format requested considerably changes the nature of the course, 那么教授有权拒绝提供这样的住宿.

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辅助听力装置就像个人放大器一样. 如果你需要辅助听力设备, 你可以在所需的时间内从DSS办公室借出一份. Professors or speakers will need to wear a lapel microphone that will transmit their voice to your headset. Information on how to use the assistive listening device can be obtained from the DSS office. 这是你的责任 to return the assistive listening device in working condition.


由于残疾而导致的过多缺勤不一定能得到补偿, 缺课的请求应根据个人情况考虑. Absences have a potentially adverse impact on learning class materials and could interfere with course completion. 如果成绩的一部分取决于课堂参与或出勤, 而且你有(或可能有)太多的缺勤, you should contact your professor to explore what accommodations (if any) might be possible. 这是你的责任 to obtain any missed lecture notes or other information if not in class. 如果可能的话, you should plan ahead and communicate proactively with your professors about absences before they occur.


大学的学术政策 regarding withdrawals and incompletes 应该遵循.

如果你获得了大部分 of the information disseminated to the class and have failed to complete a final exam, project, 或者纸张,因为情节缓和, 你的教授可以选择给你一个不完整的分数.

发展支助事务助理主任 在需要时充当联络人.

如果条件是这样的 你可能不可能在一年内完成要求的课程, the Assistant Director may encourage you to petition for a withdrawal from the course so your GPA will not be penalized by an incomplete becoming an E.

根据你的经济援助, 一个不完整的可能会影响你下一个季度或一年的经济援助. 请参阅 令人满意的进展政策 在大学本科目录中获取更多赌博十大靠谱软件经济援助的信息.


因为不是所有的教室都是轮椅无障碍的, DSS will work with the University’s room scheduler two weeks prior to a new quarter to relocate your classes if you need wheelchair accessibility or have other mobility difficulties that require a class be relocated.

Students seeking this accommodation should register for classes as early as possible to give ample time to ensure accessible locations on campus.

如果你有一个暂时的残疾(受伤),使行动困难, 您可能还需要重新定位您的类. 如有住宿要求,请联络发展支助处助理处长.


这是你的责任 to notify DSS when you will need books in alternative format. Requests should be made at least four weeks before a quarter begins to give the DSS office enough time to order or convert materials.

你也可以用the SensusAccess转换工具 翻译自己的阅读材料.  任何拥有SPU电子邮件帐户的学生都可以免费访问此资源.

Audiobooks 有时学生获取阅读材料可能需要什么. Whenever possible, books may be ordered through Learning Ally or other talking-book libraries. 当这些网站上没有现成的书籍时, the DSS office may produce the book in house from a hard copy of the book provided by the student.

盲文的书 may either be borrowed through Braille libraries or translated into Braille through the University. 这也可能是课堂讲义或考试所需的住宿. 学生应该和教授讨论这些需求.


大学认识到拥有可访问的计算机进行研究, 访问互联网, 写论文可能对学生的学习至关重要. 请联系DSS以获得在SPU计算机上查找辅助工具的支持.   We have access to several accessibility tools and programs and are happy to discuss. 


You may receive priority registration so the DSS office has time to arrange your accommodations (e.x. 口译员、教室搬迁或其他形式的书籍).

这是你的责任 to make sure no holds are in place that would keep you from registering, 你应该尽早注册. 如果你不早点注册,服务和住宿可能会延迟.


如果你有影响语言习得的残疾, 可以探讨语言替代的可能性. The substitution courses cannot count for another General Education category or toward your major requirements and must be taken from the approved list. The procedures for substitution course approvals are included on the Language Substitution form.


期间并非提供所有住宿 留学项目. However, a student with a disability may still apply to participate in international programs.

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