School of Theology Undergraduate Programs

Students study in Tiffany Loop

A degree in theology at 西雅图 Pacific University prepares you to live your life with depth 和 conviction — in whatever career field you choose. With a unique model of theological education we call “Academy, Abbey, 和 Apostolate®,” the School of Theology will equip you for living out your Christian faith in the 21st century.

That might mean serving in a church, overseas relief agency, or other nonprofit organization. Or it might mean working in the business sector, health care, education, or other professional arena.

什么 you believe is only part of Christian faith. 这也很重要 如何 you live out that faith. In the School of Theology, you’ll learn to more fully underst和 your faith 和 translate that faith into practices that engage the culture 和 change the world.

The School of Theology offer a Christian Theology Major 和 六个未成年人. Students of all majors take our three University Foundations 课程.

Screenshot from a faculty video featuring David Nienhuis

School of Theology Faculty Videos

参观 University Foundations (UFND) Video Playlist for videos by School of Theology faculty on such topics as the Apostolic Letters, the Former Prophets, 律法, 启示, 福音书, 和更多的.

Financing Your Education

95 percent of undergraduates receive some form of financial assistance. See 如何 we can design a financial aid package for you.

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