

西雅图 Pacific Seminary recommended for accreditation

Following a multiyear effort, 西雅图太平洋神学院的所有研究生学位课程都获得了神学院协会的认可. 委员会指出了该项目的“独特优势”,包括“生产力很高的神学院”, intentionally student-centered, and ecclesially connected, modeling the school’s trip艺术ite focus on the academy, 威斯敏斯特大教堂, 还有使徒.”

SPU to launch new Film Studies, 城市研究, and Asian Studies majors in Autumn Qu艺术er 2016; more new majors on the way

从今年秋天开始, 新的电影研究专业将开始招收精通电影史的毕业生, 写作, 美学, 和理论, with basic exposure to production processes and practices. 太平洋大学还增加了新的亚洲研究学术课程(主修和辅修)。, 城市研究 (a major and a minor), Theatre (a major and a minor in Costume Design and Production), History (a new Museum Studies major concentration), and Philosophy (a new Technical major concentration).

Yellow Ribbon program supports student veterans

The Yellow Ribbon program provides undergraduates up to
每年16000美元的学费——8000美元来自西雅图州立大学,8000美元来自退伍军人事务基金. 它适用于从军队退伍的人,符合第33章规定的100%权利. 所有spu资助的捐赠援助来源(如优秀奖学金)授予每个符合条件的本科生接受者,以满足大学的黄丝带计划承诺.

Theatre and music performances continue to inspire

去年戏剧系组织了几场精彩的演出, including “The Spitfire Grill: A Musical,这是一部获奖作品,讲述了一个新假释者和她在一个小镇上唯一的餐馆里的冒险经历, 苦苦挣扎的小镇. Also performed was “Elephant’s Graveyard,这是一个真实的故事,讲述了一个苦苦挣扎的马戏团和田纳西州一个小镇的悲剧碰撞.

Initiative and task force work

Upon receipt of their final reports, 学术创新和全球工作队的工作现已完成. With the Reconciliation and Vocational reports expected soon, the work of these task forces will continue into 2016–17. 早先的一个特别工作组已经促成了一项新的写作计划和大学讨论会的实施, as well as the revamping of UFDN 1000 and UCOR 2000 courses.

Erickson Research Conference

The Erickson Undergraduate Research Conference, 五月十三日举行, 展示了教师提供的与学生一起进行本科研究的众多机会之一. 学生的报告范围从单季度的课堂原创研究项目到总结性的多年独立研究项目和工程设计项目.

Social Venture Plan Competition

With the success of businesses such as Uber and Airbnb, 第十届社会创业计划比赛的多个项目, 4月14日举行, focused on the sharing economy. 然而, 获奖项目中有几个是专门为女性赋权或女性安全设计的产品. 排名第一的项目是Afya International,它被选为3,000美元的赫伯特B. 由代表该公司的70多名评委共同投票选出的琼斯大奖得主, 非营利性的, 学术, and professional community.


华盛顿州立大学教育学院与华盛顿几个学区之间的合作关系意味着教师可以在他们的学校环境中获得硕士学位, becoming even more effective day-to-day as they teach. 教师领导教育硕士课程现在接受华盛顿湖学区教师领导医学硕士课程的申请, Issaquah School District, and Olympic Educational Service District 114, with more locations to come.

Langford focuses on reconciliation in Weter Lecture

During the annual Winifred E. 星期二举行“维特学院荣誉奖学金讲座”, 4月12日, Associate Professor of Theology, 门徒, 牧师迈克尔·兰福德从神学的角度讲了和解的概念, called “Reconciliation as Holistic  Redemptive Transformation.”

Owen Ewald Delivers 2016 C. 梅·马斯顿演讲

2016年C. 梅·马斯顿演讲 on February 9, Owen Ewald, C. May Marston assistant professor of classics, delivered a lecture called “Science Fiction, 幻想, and the Ancient World.” Focusing on the non-realistic fiction of the Græco- Roman world, 埃瓦尔德探讨了这些作品不被视为传统神话的原因, but as creative works of individual talents.

Fr. Eduardo Fernandez delivers Palmer Lecture

西雅图州立大学神学院和西雅图太平洋神学院主办了第39届艾尔弗雷德·S. Palmer Lecture on February 11. Fr. 爱德华多Fernández在“信仰与文化的对话:为什么艺术仍然至关重要”上发言.他的演讲探讨了艺术如何继续不仅代表而且塑造赌博十大靠谱软件对社区的理解, 启示, 灵性, 转换, 以及崇拜——以及艺术和神学之间的关系如何指向灵性的整合, 艺术, 和礼拜仪式, a synthesis we see in sacred images.

Rob 墙 and Cara 墙-Scheffler deliver 墙s Lecture

一年一度的保罗·T. 《赌博十大靠谱软件》的沃尔斯讲座探讨了精神感知在卫斯理对一个人如何接受基督教信仰的理解中的地位. 罗伯特W. SPU的保罗·T. 墙s professor of Scripture and Wesleyan Studies, and Cara M. 墙-Scheffler, associate professor of biology, gave a May 4 lecture on “The Evolution of God’s New Creation,,他们探讨了进化和生物学的概念如何与圣经和新创造联系起来. 兰迪·马多克斯, 杜克神学院卫斯理和卫理公会研究的威廉·凯伦快速教授, 给出了回应. 5月5日, 马多克斯, 墙, 和墙-Scheffler讨论了科学研究和思想如何与他们的神学和圣经解释联系起来, and they shared Christian interpretations of evolution, 人类起源, and the problem of natural evil.

Futures in Music lectures continue

由SPU职业探索精神与教育资源(SERVE)项目资助,由SPU音乐系组织, “音乐未来”课程将学生与西雅图顶尖艺术家联系在一起,从广播到录音再到狂想曲. Speakers in the music industry, 崇拜艺术, 表现技巧, and leadership discuss their career experiences, answer student questions, and occasionally perform. 2月4日NewMusicBox的一篇文章提到了音乐助理教授Brian Chin和音乐系的系列讲座, 《赌博十大靠谱软件》是一本多媒体出版物,专门介绍美国作曲家和即兴演奏家及其冠军的音乐.


  • 《好的赌博软件推荐》 (Hendrickson Publishers, 2015), by 艾尔·埃里森曼, executive in residence
  • 《X的自白 (Thomas Nelson, 2016), a novel by 苏珊娜米. 乌尔夫, instructor in English and writer-in-residence
  • Family Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice (Praeger, 2015), by 约翰Thoburn, professor of clinical psychology
  • 量化的定性信息理论:比较案例分析 (SAGE, 2016), by 卡蒂亚Drozdova, associate professor of political science
  • River Song: Naxiyamtáma (蛇River-Palouse). Oral Traditions from Mary Jim, 安德鲁·乔治。, 戈登·费雪, and Emily Peone (Washington State University Press, 2015), “通过 理查德Scheuerman, associate professor of curriculum and instruction
  • 和解路线图:推动社区走向团结、完整和正义 (IVP Books, 2016) 布兰达·索尔特·麦克尼尔, associate professor of reconciliation studies
  • 为什么选择教会? (Abingdon Press, 2015), by 罗伯特W. 墙保罗·T. 墙s professor of Scripture and Wesleyan studies
  • A World From Dust: How the Periodic Table Shaped Life (牛津大学出版社,2016年),生物化学教授本·麦克法兰著
  • 音乐盒外的敬拜:音乐神学与敬拜与多民族事工 (Redemption Press, 2015), by 斯蒂芬·迈克尔·纽比, associate professor of music
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