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Autumn 2006 | Volume 29, Number 4 | Books, Film & Music

Response onScreen

Israeli and Arab Children Ponder Prejudice and Hope in Promises

As the 2001 documentary Promises opens, a tire that has been set ablaze rolls out into traffic. 这张照片捕捉到了世界失控的感觉, 以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的暴力循环还在继续, bloodying one generation after another, with no signs of letting up anytime soon.

最近,大银幕为赌博十大靠谱软件提供了赌博十大靠谱软件中东暴力和报复问题的几个令人难忘的视角, including Chronicle of a Disappearance, Divine Intervention, Paradise Now, and Munich. A 1999 “Frontline” documentary called 50 Years War: Israel and the Arabs is now available on DVD.

But Promises is a unique, 这部揭露真相的故事片在美国电影节上获得了多项大奖, and the cities of Munich, Jerusalem, San Francisco, Vancouver, and Paris. And there’s good reason for the acclaim.

Promises 包括对1995年至2000年间生活在文化障碍两边的7名儿童的采访. 这些采访是由Justine Shapiro, B . B .在耶路撒冷和西岸进行和拍摄的.Z. Goldberg, and Carlos Bolado. Goldberg, who participates both behind and in front of the camera, is our guide into these dangerous territories. 赌博十大靠谱软件遇到了已经被偏见蒙蔽的年轻心灵, 但也足够敏感,可以谨慎地考虑和解与和平的前景. It’s even more moving to see the film now, 知道随着冲突的升级,他们正在变成年轻人.

戈德堡对这个主题的热情是有感染力的,他的同情心是鼓舞人心的. 带着热情和勇气,他让每个参与者都坦白了自己的想法. 他们在慷慨激昂的谩骂和幼稚的游戏之间转换的方式既令人惊讶又令人不安.

But this is not just another documentary full of talking heads. For viewers unfamiliar with the sights and sounds of Jerusalem, the clash of West and East will offer some startling imagery. As we ride along in a car down a Jerusalem street, a camel strides in the opposition direction, past storefronts with familiar logos — Burger King, Dunkin Donuts, Marlboro, Subway, KFC. 在一场儿童排球比赛中,一名男子坐在看台上,腿上放着一把机关枪. 以色列和巴勒斯坦的孩子们用弹弓玩起了吵闹的游戏. Wearing an Orthodox uniform of black and white, Shlomo, 他是一位美国拉比的小儿子,他已经回到耶路撒冷生活, 讲述他对冲突的看法时,一个巴勒斯坦男孩在他耳边打嗝儿, 很快他们就咯咯地笑起来,好像这就是个普通的游乐场.

You’ll fall in love with little Sanabel, 她的父亲因反对和平进程而被关押在以色列,而她的父亲则生活在名为Deheishe的巴勒斯坦难民营. “犹太人把赌博十大靠谱软件赶出自己的村庄,把赌博十大靠谱软件关进营地,赌博十大靠谱软件陪她做家务时,她向赌博十大靠谱软件解释道.

A Palestinian child named Mahmoud, who likes to sneak sips of coffee at his grandfather’s house, 宣称他永远不会同意与以色列儿童见面. “I support Hamas and Hezbollah,” he boasts. “他们杀害妇女和儿童,但他们这样做是为了国家.” He firmly believes the Koran’s claims. “The Jews say this is their land,” he says. “这怎么可能呢,古兰经上说先知穆罕默德从圣城上了天?”

Meanwhile, Moishe, a Jewish boy passionate about his religious heritage, declares that “God promised us the land of Israel, and the Arabs came and took it.他说,将来他想成为“第一位宗教总司令”.他还说:“如果我能创造自己的未来,所有的阿拉伯人都会飞走。.''

戈德堡向赌博十大靠谱软件展示了以色列人的一系列观点. Daniel and Yorka Solan, twins in a non-religious family, 对他们文化的宗教遗产持怀疑态度,甚至感到害怕. 他们承认,乘坐公共汽车穿过城市会让他们“数秒”,” for fear of bombings. 考虑到在军队的未来,Yorka决定:“我的问题是我不想开枪.他们推测,如果把“世界上最聪明的人”聚集在一起,或许能找到某种解决方案.

On the other side of the line, we travel with a Palestinian boy, Faraj, 和他的祖母去参观一块以色列土地,那里曾经是他祖父的房子. “Where was the front door?” he asks. 他穿着耐克衬衫躺在地上,而她祈祷他的后代能来这里生活. Faraj has scars of his own. 他回忆起他的好朋友巴塞姆在向一名以色列士兵扔石头时被枪杀的那一天,眼泪汪汪.

影片引人入胜的结尾发生在这对以色列双胞胎被说服越过约旦河西岸去见法拉吉的时候. 他们一起玩耍,欢笑,吃披萨,讨论他们共同热爱的运动. As their fears and assumptions begin to crumble, 他们的谈话中出现了一些惊人的坦率. 披萨和运动也许不能拯救世界,但在这里,它们提供了简单交流的形式. And in view of the current debacle, any little bit helps.

Where is God in the midst of this? 根据孩子们和他们的家人的说法,他要么不在场,要么对复仇感兴趣. 当雅可和丹尼尔去拜访他们的祖父时,他们问他是否相信上帝. After trying to brush off their questions, he admits, “我不相信上帝看到这一切,却什么也不做.后来,Moishe去拜访被枪手杀害的朋友Ephraim的坟墓. “上帝会为他的死报仇的,”他一边说,一边在朋友的坟墓上放上石头. “如果我有一个愿望的话,”他激动地说,“那就是弥赛亚会到来。.”

Alas, none of the children, nor their families, 似乎倾向于考虑弥赛亚是否已经来了. 甚至没有人提到拉比和奇迹创造者,他通过向敌人展示宽恕给了赌博十大靠谱软件希望, even as they killed him, 即使他凝视着他们嘲笑的脸和仇恨硬化的心.

Nevertheless, Promises serves as an excruciating portrait of an age-old dilemma, 让赌博十大靠谱软件在路上瞥见的微弱的希望之光更加难忘. When the cameras rolled, these children represented the future. Today, they’re the present, caught in a violent and chaotic situation, full of potential, and striving either to perpetuate what has gone on before, or how to change it. And the future? They’re learning how to read and write, how to play and work, 以及现在如何与彼此联系——在学校和操场上,这个世界都知道的“圣地”.”

— BY Jeffrey Overstreet (

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My Response

Back-Cover Art
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